In a world where every penny counts, finding practical and efficient ways to save money on your household bills is a skill worth mastering.

Whether you’re looking to build your savings, pay off debt, or simply free up some extra cash for the things you love, making strategic adjustments to your spending can make a significant impact.

In this blog post, we’ll explore 12 straightforward and actionable tips that can help you cut costs without sacrificing your quality of life. 

1. Wait to turn on the heat.

It’s tempting to crank up the heat during the first cool days of fall. But wait until the indoor temperature is below 64 degrees for three or more days. Or turn your heater on in early November when you set the clocks back.

2. Prepare your system.

Before turning on the heat for the first time, minimize health and fire risks. Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Keep flammable items, such as paper, away from the heater. Replace your furnace filter regularly to improve the efficiency of your heating system. Have professionals service your HVAC system each year. 

3. Get a programmable thermostat.

A smart or programmable thermostat saves money on your gas and electric bills by automatically adjusting the temperature in your home based on your preferences.

The Department of Energy recommends setting thermostats for 68-70 degrees when you are awake at home and for 7-10 degrees lower when you’re asleep or away from home. 

4. Locate leaks in your home.

Keep cold air out to lower your heating costs. Place weather stripping around doors and windows. Insulate windows with transparent plastic film. Hang insulated drapes at drafty windows. 

5. Get Energy Star appliances.

When updating your home, look for Energy Star appliances that must meet strict energy-efficiency standards. The average household saves $575 annually by using efficient appliances. 

6. Watch your fireplace use.

If you have a gas fireplace, you can retain the heat; don’t use it for long periods of time. While they can help heat your home, gas fireplaces are expensive. To save on gas bills, limit your time in front of the fire.

7. Keep warm with a fan.

Using a ceiling fan to circulate warm air can help you save money on gas and electric bills by reducing the energy you use to heat your home. Set the fan to revolve clockwise to circulate warm air. 

8. Use devices efficiently.

If you know someone who walks through the house turning off lights, they have the right idea. Use devices efficiently, and turn off electronics, like your computer, when not in use. Unplug devices used infrequently, like a TV in a guest bedroom.

9. Let the sunshine in.

Open curtains on south-facing windows during the day so sunlight can naturally heat your home. Close the curtains at night to keep out drafts.

10. Adjust the water heater.

Set your water heater to the warm setting, 120 degrees. This saves energy and helps prevent scalding.

11. Use efficient holiday lights.

For holiday decorations, buy strings of LED lights. They use less energy and are cooler than incandescent lights, reducing fire risk.

12. Prevent fireplace heat loss.

Unless a fire is burning, keep the fireplace damper closed. Leaving it open in the winter is like having an open window. Warm air can go up and out the chimney. Install tempered glass doors and a heat-air exchange system to blow warm air into the room.

Save Money on Household Bills this Winter

Winter is a season that brings a lot of expenses, especially with heating bills. But with proper insulation, you can keep out the cold. Combine that with making your home more efficient, and you should be able to reduce your household bills this winter. 


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