You have found the perfect older home, it’s a timeless classic and you can’t wait to move in! Of course, it needs to be fixed up a bit, some new paint on the walls and some new countertops will return it to its former glory, but there might be a problem- what’s going on behind those walls and under those countertops?
The chances are your unique fixer-upper opportunity has some deeper needs than a fresh coat of paint!
One of the major problems that people purchasing older homes face is an outdated and dilapidated plumbing system.
Sure, the water runs and the toilets flush, but what’s going on where you can’t see? The chances are that rust and leaks have developed over the years, and those can cause the kind of long-term damage that turns a great old home from yesteryear into today’s nightmare!
It’s critical that you engage the services of the expert plumbers in Thornbury to come in and give your plumbing a thorough checkup, and repair or replace any problems that have occurred before you find yourself knee-deep in added expenses as well as water! Here are some things to consider that will help make your older home perfect for years to come:
Get The Lead Out:
If your home is old enough it might have lead pipes running through it. Lead is very bad for your health, and is no longer used as a piping material at all!
If this is the case, it’s extremely important that you switch out the lead for safe, modern pipes! This is just one of many issues you might face when upgrading an old house, there could be lead in the paint as well, or asbestos in the insulation- it’s really going to be in your best interests to have everything inspected, not just the plumbing!
Stop Those Leaks:
You will know there is a problem for sure if you hear an incessant dripping sound, but in an older home there may be leaks where you can’t hear them! Some signs of a leaky pipe are a sudden drop in water pressure, or if you see flecks of rust in the tap water.
Old-style galvanised pipes are prone to internal corrosion and should be swapped out for a better material choice such as copper, which will ensure your water is of good quality, and add value to your home.
Wrap Them Up:
In harsh climates, be they hot or cold, it’s best to make sure your pipes are properly insulated to prevent damage from temperature extremes.
Start Fresh:
Unless you are really in love with the original fixtures, it’s best to replace them with fresh ones. New fixtures in classic styles can usually be found.
It’s important to comply with The Plumbing Code of Australia, especially if you plan to DIY. We recommend you don’t take risks with a household feature as important as plumbing, and let the pros handle it!