1. Maintenance-free

A heat pump requires less maintenance than a combustion-based heating system. Additionally, heat pumps have a longer lifespan than combustion boilers. As for maintenance, they require professional service every 3 to 5 years. There are, however, some checks that you can perform on your own.

2. Fully automated

Heat pumps can easily be integrated into smart features and smart homes, enabling the temperature of any room to be easily controlled through a phone app or even a touch of a button. Thus, the spaces can be heated quickly and can even be controlled remotely so that they are warm when you arrive home.

3. A safer alternative to boilers

Unlike combustion, heat pumps do not release toxic gases into the environment and do not require flues. The absence of carbon monoxide poisoning also means there are no health risks. You are also less likely to get mould when you use a heat pump because they prevent condensation.

A heat pump that circulates air improves the air quality in your home, thereby making it safer. Filters can remove mould odours, smoke, and other particles from the air, which can be very beneficial if you suffer from health issues.

4. Bills can be reduced

A heat pump will save you money because even though it is more expensive initially, it will save you much more than a gas boiler in the long run.

The amount of insulation behind your walls will differ based on your house’s windows, the climate, and the season. Heat pumps can significantly reduce your annual fuel bills if you stay at a property for a long time, and they may also add value to your home.

5. Cool the environment

Besides providing heating and cooling, heat pumps can also provide cooling in the summer. The clever thing about heat pumps is that they can reverse, so they can remove heat when it’s hot. If you work from home or spend a lot of time at home, this is ideal for you.

6. Energy Efficiency Incentive-eligible

If you get a heat pump installed you’re eligible for discounts under the Renewable Heat Incentive scheme – whether you’re buying one for your home or business, the Renewable Heat Incentive scheme gives discounts after installation of a heat pump (discount rates vary, but you can check Domestic tariffs here).

This is a government incentive that lasts 7 years from the date you pay for the installation, and payments are made quarterly. In 2019, the RHI scheme was launched, and regulations have since changed. Visit Ofgem’s information pages for more information.

7. Emission reductions

If a renewable source of electricity is used, air source heat pumps produce zero carbon emissions on site (as long as no oil, gas, or biomass is burned). Compared to other heating systems, it converts energy into heat quite efficiently, which reduces your carbon footprint over time. Heat pumps reduce carbon emissions significantly. Heat pumps produce three to four units of heat for every unit of electricity they use.

8. Reliable and long-lasting

Air source heat pumps typically last between 14 and 15 years? Even so, it can last as long as 50 years if it is properly cared for.

Heat pumps are also quieter than electric heaters and furnaces, so they won’t be as noisy as they are with electric heaters. Maintaining your heat pump will extend its life remarkably. Ask your licensed installer how to keep it performing at its best.  


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