Birds perching on your roof can be a nuisance and a disturbance. There are ways to keep birds from landing on your roof, however. The most effective bird control methods involve installing ledge deterrents on top of the roof or addressing the underlying bird infestation problem.
The first method for blocking birds off your roof is installing ledge deterrents. These devices include bird spikes, bird wire, and electric shock tracks. Ledge deterrents are installed on your roof and once installed, they physically block birds from access to the roof.
Bird spikes are the first type of ledge deterrent. Bird spikes are blunted poles protruding from the surface they are installed on. They can be used to block gutters, rooflines, window sills, AC units, and other places birds tend to land and perch on. In spite of their name, bird spikes do not harm birds; they simply block them from landing.
Bird spikes are a classic and popular method used in pest control for seagulls and other birds throughout the world. They are a great implement for blocking medium-sized birds like pigeons, crows, starlings, and seagulls. Smaller birds like sparrows and barn swallows as well as larger birds like turkey vultures can still perch in between or on top of bird spikes.
Bird wire is the next option for bird deterrents for your roof. Bird wire is a wire spread across raised poles that physically blocks birds from landing on that surface. It works in most scenarios that bird spikes work, such as rooflines, windows sills, and AC units. Bird wire can also be installed on roof ridges, blocking birds from perching on the angular part of a rooftop.
Bird wire is a less well-known ledge deterrent method than bird spikes, but in many scenarios it is the better choice. Bird wire is nearly invisible to the untrained eye, is cheaper than bird spikes, and will block out birds with the same effectiveness.
Electric shock tracks are the other bird deterrent option for roofs. Shock tracks are more commonly used on commercial buildings, but they can be installed on residential homes as well. Electric shock tracks give birds a small electric shock if they try to land. Over time, birds stop landing on protected surfaces. Shock tracks can be installed on flat surfaces like rooflines to stop birds from perching.
Electric shock tracks are notably a good option for larger birds like turkey vultures or geese. If these sorts of birds start landing on your roof, shock tracks can keep them away. Ledge deterrents work well for blocking birds from landing on your roof. If there is a bird infestation nearby, however, the birds are still going to be a problem in the area regardless of if you install ledge deterrents on your roof. To stop birds from flocking near your home, you are going to have to address the bird infestation.
Bird infestations can be solved by removing the birds’ food sources, relocating the birds, and blocking off the birds’ nesting grounds with bird netting. The first step to solving a bird infestation is removing the birds’ food sources. Common bird food sources include open trash containers, discarded food, and food intentionally left out for the birds. Each of these should be addressed. Open trash containers should be replaced with closed trash containers, discarded food should be picked up, and people should be reminded not to feed the birds.
Without a source of food, birds will lose a major impetus to be in the area. The next step is to relocate the birds if they have already nested and to block off their nesting grounds. Most bird species are protected under the Migratory Bird Act Treaty of 1918, meaning it is illegal to move their nests or interfere with them in any way. A bird control company can get a permit from the government to relocate birds in the event of a bird infestation and will also have the equipment necessary to deal with the diseases, parasites, and territorial birds in the nesting site.
If you have birds nesting, calling in a bird control company like AviAway is the best move you can make. They can take care of the birds safely and within the confines of the law. After relocating the birds, the next step to take is installing bird netting over their former nesting grounds. Most bird species will nest in the same place year after year. Installing bird netting over their nesting grounds will prevent the birds from coming back next season.
We recommend having the professionals at a bird control company install bird netting for you after they relocate the birds. Bird netting excludes birds with 100% effectiveness if installed properly. With food sources removed, the birds relocated, and bird netting installed over the birds’ former nesting grounds, your bird infestation problem will be solved.
Summary: Ledge deterrents are a great method for physically blocking birds from your roof. Ledge deterrent devices include bird spikes, bird wire, and electric shock tracks.
If you have a bird infestation nearby, you also need to address that to fully block out birds. To do this, remove bird food sources then hire a bird control company to relocate the birds and install bird netting over their nesting grounds.